Castro’s Resignation…What Does it Mean?

With Fidel Castro’s resignation from the Cuban government, the big question which has been debated for years finally comes to the surface again, “Should we continue the trade embargo with Cuba?”

I believe it is definitely an option that should be considered. Of course, we need to wait and see Raul’s intentions first, but he has been described as a more moderate dictator than his brother, Fidel. He has promised slow steady reforms, and that will hopefully lead to a more free market. This will allow our businesses to profit nicely. Regardless of what people say, Fidel Castro did do some positive things for the Cuban people, such as nationalizing all Cuban businesses by kicking American businessmen out, noticeably improving conditions for Cuban laborers. Obviously, events like the Cuban Missile Crisis are not fond memories, but I’m speaking from an economic standpoint. Whether or not Cuba remains Communist remains to be seen, but it is not going to happen overnight. This could even be a potential issue in the presidential race in the U.S. John McCain said that lifting the emargo would serve only to “prop up the Communist regime,” while Barack Obama and Hill-Dog claimed they would consider easing up the embargo if Cuba showed positive/democratic intentions.

Cuba will undergo many domestic changes as well. Opening up the economy to foreign investment should greatly improve conditions for the Cuban population. Cubans living in Florida will be allowed to have regular contact with their families, which will make everyone happy. Free speech would also be a pretty nice thing to add on, but let’s not get greedy. One step at a time.

I believe the most important thing the U.S. can do is not stick its nose too deep into Cuban affairs. We should be supportive of their change, but we should be sure not to try and run the show. After all, that’s why a lot of countries and organizations hate the U.S. in the first place!

My thoughts summed up:  New leader in Cuba + New leader in the U.S. = Opportunity for change

Let’s make sure we don’t blow it, eh?

~ by edwardrmeow on February 26, 2008.

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